What is triacetin and what is it used for?

What is triacetin and what is it used for?

Triacetin is a synthetic compound that is used in many different industries. This organic compound can be used as a lubricant, plasticizer, or solvent.

But what exactly is triacetin, and what are its benefits? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Triacetin?

Triacetin, also known as glyceryl triacetate or 1,2,3-propanetriol triacetate, is a clear, colorless liquid with a slightly sweet taste and faint floral odor. It is soluble in alcohols, oils, and propylene glycol and is used as a food additive and ingredient in cosmetics and personal care products.

This compound can be found in cigarettes, foods, drugs, adhesives, printing inks, and lacquers. Triacetin is also an intermediate in the production of polyurethane foams.

Products That Contain Triacetin:

Cigarettes – It’s added to cigarettes as a humectant to keep the tobacco moist. It also prevents the formation of tars and other harmful compounds when the tobacco is burned.

Foods – It´s used as a food additive for its anti-caking, flavor-enhancing, and sweetness properties. It can be found in chewing gum, chocolate, baked goods, pudding mixes, jellies, jams, frostings, fillings, non-dairy coffee creamers, and instant mashed potatoes.

Personal Care Products – It´s used as an ingredient in perfumes, soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, shaving creams, makeup, moisturizers, deodorants, and other cosmetics and personal care products.

Polyurethane Foams – It´s used as an intermediate in the production of polyurethane foams. These foams are used in furniture cushions, mattresses, car seats, sponges, packaging materials, etc.

Uses of Triacetin In The Personal Care Industry:

It can be used:

  • As a hair conditioning agent
  • To help distribute fragrance oils evenly
  • In perfumes and colognes
  • As part of a solvent system for nail polish
  • As an ingredient in makeup
  • To help solubilize active ingredients
  • In cream deodorants
  • To reduce the irritation caused by some cosmetic raw materials such as those derived from cloves

Uses Of Triacetin In The Food Industry:

It can be used:

  • As an anti-caking agent
  • In chewing gum
  • To prevent separation of cocoa butter from chocolate
  • As a sweetener
  • In baked goods
  • To provide body and texture in pudding mixes and jellies
  • To enhance fruit flavors
  • In jams and preserves
  • As a humectant that prevents drying and surface crazing of icing and frosting
  • In filling and glazes
  • To solubilize indigestible artificial sweeteners such as saccharin
  • In pickling vegetables
  • To inhibit mold growth and bacterial spoilage of meats

Regulation Of Triacetin Usages

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified triacetin as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use as a food additive. The European Commission has also approved it for use as a food additive.

There are no maximum limits specified for triacetin use in cosmetics or personal care products by regulators such as FDA or EU Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC but it should not exceed 10% concentration if used topically on mucous membranes such as lips.

Get triacetin at a good cost and from trusted suppliers

If you are involved in the food or personal care industries, then you may want to consider using triacetin in your products. This synthetic compound has many benefits and can help improve the quality of your products.

Do some research to see if triacetin is right for you and your business needs and contact TZ Group!

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our services.