The National Minority Supplier Development Council: What it is and why it’s important

The National Minority Supplier Development Council: What it is and why it’s important

Many companies are looking for ways to diversify their supplier base and ensure that their products are of the highest quality. The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) can do just that. This organization helps minority-owned businesses gain access to corporate procurement opportunities and provides certification for industrial chemicals suppliers.

But what exactly is the NMSDC? How do you become certified? And why should you pursue certification? Let’s take a closer look.

What Does National Minority Supplier Development Council Certification Involve?

The National Minority Supplier Development is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the number of minority-owned firms doing business in the global marketplace. Founded in 1972, the organization has grown from serving just 19 corporations to now working with more than 4,000 companies in virtually every industry imaginable. In addition, NMSDC has certified more than 12,000 minority-owned businesses as suppliers.

To become certified, a company must demonstrate that they are 51 percent owned, operated, and controlled by one or more minorities from an approved list.

The NMSDC will also review other criteria such as financial stability, management expertise, previous contracts, customer references, and legal compliance history before granting certification.

Once certified, MBE’s can participate in various programs designed to help them expand their customer base and secure contracts with larger corporations. In addition to providing access to corporate buyers, certified MBEs are also eligible for programs like mentoring from existing MBEs or assistance from procurement professionals.

Benefits of Having NMSDC Certification

Having National Minority Supplier Development certification has many benefits for both buyers and suppliers alike. For buyers, having an extensive network of certified minority suppliers means they can access a larger pool of qualified vendors who can meet their purchasing needs. This will help them create a supply chain that is diverse, cost-effective, and reliable.

Furthermore, having an NMSDC-certified supplier can give buyers peace of mind knowing that they are working with a legitimate business that has been vetted by the organization’s rigorous standards.

For industrial chemicals suppliers, gaining certification can open up new opportunities to land lucrative contracts with large corporations who require this type of designation as part of their procurement process. In addition, being on the NMSDC database gives suppliers direct access to thousands of potential corporate customers throughout the United States who may be interested in what they have to offer.

Do Business With Certified Industrial Chemicals Suppliers

The National Minority Supplier Development (NMSDC) helps minority-owned businesses gain greater visibility in the marketplace by providing certification upon meeting certain standards and criteria outlined by the organization.

Having certification through the NMSDC is extremely beneficial when it comes to being industrial chemicals suppliers because it guarantees that your products are safe and reliable.

In TZ Group we have this certification since we are always looking for ways to improve our services and provide quality products that meet all safety regulations.

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